Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Nemesis


It is defined as an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome.

My personal nemesis lives in my house. He sleeps under my roof. He eats food that I pay for. He takes up two thirds of my sofa every evening, snuggling up to my wife. He hates my family and acts up around them. He steals food off my plate when I'm eating. He wakes me up during the middle of the night. He consumes every resource I possess but never even says thank you.

He is my dog- Harpo.

Harpo is a German pointer dalmatian cross, which my wife and I rescued last year when he was just a puppy. At the time I thought to my myself that it was ok, I liked dogs. I didn't mind that he was going to need some training and a lot of exercise. That was part of it. And besides, I liked dogs.

8 month later, I discover that I like dogs. I just hate Harpo.

It probably isn't his fault. When I was a kid, we had a dog at home. He was a black labrador and he went everywhere with me. He even slept in my bed. And I didn't mind.

He was docile and friendly. He was a neighbour dog. Kids in the road played with him and he loved playing with them. He was my best friend.

Throughout that time my mother would periodically go ballistic when the dog did something wrong (bark, scratch the door, pee on the floor). She would rant and rave about him.

I had to have him put to sleep when I was 19 when he got really ill. I cried for days. The mere thought of the dog made me weep uncontrolably.

I didn't own a dog between that day and last July when we got Harpo. I'm a little older now. I own my own home. I realise where my mother was coming from. I find that my patience (what lilttle of it remains) is tried on a daily basis.

So yes, I hate him.

Some of the time.

Then there are other times -When he sits beside me when I'm sitting on the stairs making a phone call, licking my ears, or when he snuggles up to my wife when she's ill.
At the moment, he's lying beside me on the sofa, docile as a kitten and we're watching 3:10 to Yuma.
He likes Westerns. He can't be all bad.

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