Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Greetings Earthling

Ok. I know that my title is a little bit of a cliche. I hope that you don't hold that against me.

Welcome to my blog. This is the Backwards elephant.

The Backwards elephant is my attempt to dump my thoughts about things I like, things I don't like, things that make me furious, things that I find confusing, things that I find vaguely interesting and people that I admire.

I am Simon by the way. I am 33 years old, happily married (to Lucy), with a dog (a German pointer/Dalmatian cross called Harpo) and a nice little Yellow house in Celbridge (a little town in Ireland not too far from Dublin).

I decided to start the blog last weekend. I read the newspaper and there was really only one story- the recession. It was pretty depressing. According to the papers the apocalyse has already come...While this should have lead me to reassess my financial planning and redouble my efforts at work, it lead me to buy a lot of black leather, to refit my Skoda Fabia estate into an interceptor a la Mad Max 2 and plan how to fight off the marauding biker gangs.

I reckoned that I should try to remind myself about the things that I have, the things that I love and write about them, thus sharing the love (God I hate how new-agey I am sounding right now).

It will probably be only sporadically coherent. I can't always guarantee that I will be wearing trousers when I am posting. However this one of my fervent hopes.

At least in these troubled times I have something to aim for.

Good night and Happy Trails,

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